Saturday, April 18, 2009


My friends, many of students now as a smoker. So, smoking habit must be prevent them from starting the habit. For me, to prevent this problems is an anti smoking clubs and parent-teacher associations were the targeted participants.
We can prepared a special module centering on quit smoking techniques, health hazards of smoking and how to say no to it. The participants will then use this knowledge to tackle tobacco-related scenarios in school and at home. It was important to caution non-smokers on smoking hazards to prevent them from starting the habit.

In addition, Under the Tobacco Control Regulations 2004, those aged below 18 who were caught smoking, buying or in possession of cigarettes will be slapped with a fine of up to RM1,000.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hello, all the issues that already, i would like find the solution to solve the smoking problem. As we know that, when students reach a certain age, they frequently want to prove to the world that they’re a “grown-up”. One way students use to show that they’re more mature than they really are, is to smoke cigarettes. For some students, this “habit” will last for only a few minutes or several days as they discover that tobacco irritates their lungs and makes them cough. For others, cigarette smoking has the potential to become a long term problem. The best way to keep students from smoking is to make sure they don’t start to begin with. Fortunately, schools are evaluating a new program in the United Kingdom that may help to keep students away from cigarettes entirely. This novel approach might be one that could be implemented in schools in your local area to keep kids from smoking in the first place.
Although many schools have designed programs to teach students about the dangers of smoking, these programs are not always effective at curbing the growing smoking habit among students and teens. The schools choose the most popular and influential students at each location and gave them a two day anti-smoking training course. During the two days, the students are taught the dangers of smoking as well as how to talk to other students about those dangers. At the end of the two days, the students are sent back to school to interact with the other students. The students who underwent the training are instructed to talk to students about smoking in a casual. They emphasize the health dangers as well as how “uncool” smoking is.

Now, i hope all of you can gives more solution to solve the smoking problems.


Hello my, i'm going to discuss about the effect of smoking to students. Actually, many effect can students get while the students smoke. But, i would like to share my opinion that smoking is dangerous to your health especially students. It is universally understood that cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems that often ultimately results in death. According to a global health survey, men who smoke contract lung cancer 22 times the rate faster than non-smokers. Smokers are also highly at risk for heart disease, emphysema, oral cancer, stroke and so on. The danger of tobacco also has its effects on family's health. Those around a smoker inhale what is known as "second-hand smoke" - the unfiltered, poisonous waste that goes into the air.
Information given by the Ministry of Health states that second-hand smoke causes or aggravates asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems. Smoking can become addictive. The addiction to tobacco is a physical response that often interferes with one's life and worship. In Addition, smoking is a waste of money.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


All my friends, i've read and find the cause why students smoke. For me, there's more than just one simple answer. Some students may start smoking just because they're curious. Others may like the idea of doing something dangerous — something grownups don't want them to do. Still others might know lots of people who smoke and they might think it's a way to act or look like an adult. Fortunately, fewer students are starting smoking than a few years ago.Maybe that's because more and more people have learned that smoking and tobacco use can cause cancer and heart disease. But sometimes students can't really think that far into the future to worry about an illness they might not get for many years. In addition, it has never been a daily thing, more of a social thing. Since this class students been avoiding putting myself in social situations where they might feel a bit of pressure to join others when they smoke. All of the risks and dangers that come along with it, especially since there is a history of breast and prostate cancer in their family. So, that's why many of students now most like to smoke without think the risk.

Friday, April 3, 2009


A smoking means a person has formed an uncontrollable dependence on cigarettes to the point where stopping smoking would cause severe emotional, mental, or physical reactions.
Everyone knows that smoking is harmful and addictive, but few people realize just how risky and addictive it is.
Chances are that about one in three smokers who do not stop will eventually die because of their smoking. Some will die in their 40s, others will die later. On average, they will die 10 to 15 years earlier than they would have died from other causes.
Most smokers want to stop and do indeed try, but only one in three succeeds in stopping permanently before age 60. By this time, much harm may have been done to the body - some of it irreversible.

Those who eventually quit smoking usually try to stop two or three times before they're successful. Only 2.5 percent of smokers successfully quit each year.
The reason why so many people fail to stop is because they are addicted. Being addicted does not mean that you cannot stop - only that it is likely to be difficult. Anyone can succeed if he or she goes about it in the right way. How you stop - and, especially, when you stop - is a very personal matter. Only you know what you have to give up, and how the benefits of smoking can be weighed against the benefits of stopping. Harassment and pressure from others who do not understand is often unhelpful. You will only stop when you have made a firm decision. When you do make up your mind, however, you can succeed, regardless of how addicted you may be.

If you stop smoking before or during middle age (age 35 to 50), you will avoid about 90 percent of the lung cancer risk. If you are currently middle-aged, you are also more likely to succeed in quitting now than when you were younger.